Service Terms and Conditions

The following terms and conditions effective 10/09/2024 apply to all services; dog and puppy training packages and programmes and behaviour programmes, 121 dog or puppy training sessions and 121 dog behaviour sessions (hereinafter "service") delivered by Matilda (known as Matty) Al-irimi Trading as Beyond Reactivity (hereinafter “company”). The client(s) (hereinafter “client”) are the person(s) who have completed the consultation or training questionnaire, or signed the veterinarian referral form, or made payment for services or completed the insurance consent form. Any adult(s) who otherwise participates in the service(s) (hereinafter "participant") whether that be by attending inperson sessions or virtual sessions, signing up to Beyond Reactivity's online services or communicating or being included in communication via phone, email or messenger app. Both the client and participant agree that your participation in the services will be governed by the following terms and conditions. By participating in services you signify your acceptance and agreement to these terms and conditions.

1. The service is described in the Programme or Package Service description. The client and where appropriate the participant will be provided with coaching, behaviour and training support from the company for up to the length of the service. 121 sessions must be booked and carried out within the time frame of the service during normal working hours on weekdays and must be reasonably equally spread over the time frame of the service, any unused sessions, support and online material that would be added during or after to unused sessions will be forfeited except in exceptional circumstances or where the company has had to cancel the session. The client and where appropriate the participant will have access to feedback and further support during normal working hours on weekdays over a messenger app where they will be able to share videos and ask questions relating to the service. In agreed and arranged circumstances by the company and the client some or all of the 121s will be either video-based or face to face this will not change the nature of the service or any of the contents of these terms and conditions. The client must be present during all sessions whether in person or virtual, and included in all communication made by a participant unless prior agreed to by the company with the client. 24 hours notice must be given to reschedule a session, without 24 hours notice sessions will be forfeited, except in exceptional circumstances.

2. Confidentiality: During the delivery of the service, proprietary information, reports, plans, ideas, and materials will be shared by the company. These are the sole and exclusive property of the company. This includes all materials associated with the service, as well as training, behaviour and coaching advice in any format. The client agrees not to share or share access to materials associated with the service, as well as training, behaviour and coaching advice in any format with other persons. The participant agrees not to share or share access to materials associated with the service, as well as training, behaviour and coaching advice in any format with other persons. The client and participant acknowledge that the material and information shared with you is and remains the sole intellectual property of the company. The Company respects the client's and participant's privacy in accordance with the GDPR. The company’s privacy policy can be found here.

3. Veterinary referral: The client confirms they understand that the service when it is a behaviour programme will only go ahead once the veterinary referral form has been completed fully and returned to the company.

4. Personalised nature: The service including all the supporting content, advice and guidance from the company is specifically designed for the client’s dog. During the delivery of the service adjustments may be made to any part of it. The client and participant agree not to share proprietary information, plans, ideas, materials and resources included in the service with anyone else for them to attempt to implement in whole or in part on any other animal, every case is different due to circumstances and individual needs and differences. Sharing proprietary information, plans, ideas, materials and resources included in the service with others to attempt to implement on another animal could not only be detrimental to the other animal's behaviour but also could be dangerous.

5. Personal Responsibility: The company has made every effort to accurately represent the service and its potential. Every individual's success depends on many factors, including his, her, or their dedication, desire, motivation, ability and willingness to apply advice given and the nature of the dog they are working with. The client is responsible for attending and engaging in sessions and accessing and putting into practice the supporting material, if the client or participant has any difficulties or barriers to attending and engaging in sessions and/or accessing and putting into practice the supporting material they must inform the company at the soonest opportunity so the company can take appropriate action to the support the client and/or participant in attending and engaging in sessions and/or accessing and putting into practice the supporting material. The client and participant confirm that any decisions or actions about the dog are solely the client’s and/or participant’s responsibility. The dog’s welfare and behaviour throughout the service both during service sessions and at all other times is solely the client’s responsibility, and the dog’s ongoing welfare and behaviour after the conclusion of the service is solely the client’s responsibility. The client and participant are also responsible for the use of any companies, individuals, organisations or products linked or recommended during the service. It is the responsibility of the client to fully disclose the dog’s behavioural and health history for the safety of the dog, client, participant, the company, members of the public and other animals both during sessions and at other times.

6. No guarantee of outcome: The service consists of ethical, holistic and science-based methods and is designed to support the dog, client and participant in achieving the best possible outcome, however, due to the nature of behaviour modification no guarantee can be made in regards to outcome. The client confirms that they are entering and participating in the service fully understanding that there are no guarantees of any outcomes.

7. Payments: The company agrees to provide the service as described in the Programme or Package Service Description. In exchange for the service, the client agrees to make payment less any booking fees to the company. The client agrees to make payment, regardless of their level of participation in the service. Payment excluding any booking fee is only fully refundable with a full 3 working days notice before the start of the service (this means a service that is booked to start on a Thursday would need to be cancelled by 5 pm on the preceding Friday). Services cancelled less than 3 full working days before the start of the service will incur a fee of 25% of the service. Booking fees are not refundable at any point. If your payment is not made in advance of the initial session of the service, the service will be cancelled. The client acknowledges that they are committing to pay the company in exchange for access to the service for both themselves and the participant. Payment for the service is due 48 hours before the initial consultation or first training session of the service.

8. Refunds: Upon unlikely termination of the service by the company, a pro-rata refund will be made for the time unused. Should the client rehome or euthanise the dog during the service no refund will be given. Should the client not engage in the service, including but not limited to not booking sessions in the time frame, or utilising the messenger support or online resources no refund will be given.

9. Termination: The company is committed to providing all clients and participants with a positive and productive experience. The client and participant agree that the company, at its sole discretion, may limit, suspend, or terminate the client’s and participant’s right to participate if anyone associated with the client or participant behaves in a manner that obstructs the delivery of the service or the services of other clients, makes the company feel unsafe, engages in illegal or inappropriate behaviour, all future sessions will be cancelled. Should the future sessions be cancelled due to the factors relating to the client no sessions will be conducted with the participant.

10. Claiming on your pet insurance: The company does not take direct claims. The company will complete pet insurance paperwork at the request of the client's pet insurance company provided the client has given consent at no extra charge. It is the client's responsibility to make sure their insurance will cover working with the company specifically. The company can not be held responsible for any decisions made by insurance companies at any point.

11. Advice Not Given: The company is not qualified to provide legal, nutritional, medical or veterinary advice and the information provided in the service is not intended as such.

12. Accidents, health and disease: Any accidents, injuries or illness that occur during service sessions must be reported to the company immediately. The client takes full responsibility for the dog's health and safety, the client and participant take full responsibility for their own health and safety. The client must ensure their dog is suitably protected from the potential risk of disease, and external and internal parasites for the activities undertaken in the service, it is the client's responsibility to consult their veterinarian in regards to this. The company takes no responsibility for the client’s, participant’s or dog’s potential or actual exposure to disease. The company take no responsibility for any injury sustained to the client, participant or dog during service sessions. The client must inform the company if their dog is or has recently been unwell or has been in contact with a dog who is unwell or believed to have a contagious disease. For the safety of others, your session may need to be rescheduled or conducted via video conferencing.

13. Children (any person under the age of 18 years old): Are usually welcome to attend service sessions, provided they are accompanied and supervised by a responsible adult at all times. The supervising adult must take full responsibility for the child’s safety and behaviour throughout the session. The company may at any point due to the nature of the dog or session refuse to allow children to attend the session or ask for children to leave the session, which may result in the session being terminated. The client must inform the company if children are attending sessions, except where sessions are carried out in the client's home, in which case the client must inform the company of any children that live in the property where sessions will be carried out.

14. Cancellation or termination of sessions by the company: The company reserves the right to cancel or terminate a session at any point due to safety or welfare concerns about the dog, client, participant, the company, members of the public or other animals, adverse weather conditions, illness or injury, personal, local or national emergencies and any other reason deemed reasonable by the company.

15. Complaints Procedure: Complaints are an opportunity for improvement, which is embraced by our company. We take time to understand the client’s or participant's unique perspective, encourage open lines of communication to resolve the issue, and ensure that the solution we have created solves the client’s or participant’s problem long term and leaves them feeling listened to, valued and appreciated. Any complaints and/or reporting of incidents regarding the service delivered by the company should be made directly to the company to give the company a reasonable opportunity to make rectifications, via these contact details:

16. Amendments: Beyond Reactivity reserves the right to amend these terms and conditions from time to time. Any amendments will be effective upon publication on Beyond Reactivity website.

17. Entire Agreement. These terms and conditions constitute the entire agreement between the company, the client and the participant and supersede any prior or contemporaneous written, oral, or implied agreement related to the Service. If any portion of these terms and conditions is unenforceable, such portion shall be severed and the remainder of these terms and conditions shall be fully enforceable.

18. Governing Law. The construction, interpretation, and application of the terms and conditions are governed exclusively by the laws of England and Wales without regard to its conflict of law rules and you agree to undertake the service under the sole jurisdiction of the courts of England and Wales.