Frequently Asked Questions

My methods are science based and welfare is my priority, I train using positive reinforcement, and a fear-free approach, I would never intentional do or advice anything that would cause fear, discomfort or pain to your dog. My behaviour modification plans are holistic I look at your dog as a whole and not just a dog with a behaviour problem, the aim is always to support them and you in overcoming the underlying cause of the behaviour problem and help them learn new ways of behaving in the situations they struggle with now.    

I have a First Class Honors degree in applied behavioural science and welfare from Greenwich University, I am a full Clinical behaviourist (CAB) member of the Association of Pet Behaviour Counsellors (APBC) and and a registered Clinical animal behaviourist with the ABTC.

I continue to further my professional knowledge and skills through courses, conferences, webinars, books and journal articles to ensure I can offer the dogs I work with the best possible service and I enjoy learning everything dog!  

As a full CAB member of the Association of Pet Behaviour Counsellors (APBC) working with me may be covered by your pet insurance policy. If you would like to claim on pet insurance for working with me it is strongly advised that you check with your insurers if your dog has coverage and what the terms of that cover are including limits. Different insurers have different requirements for who carries out behavioural treatment, but many policies stipulate that working with members of the APBC is claimable.

Training packages and puppy programmes are generally not covered by insurance but you can pay via PayPal for all my services.

Unfortunately, I can not make any guarantees. Each dog is very much an individual with a unique life. And there are factors such as pre-natal stress which we can not change. One thing that is important to understand is that behaviour change takes commitment, time, and effort, without this success is extremely unlikely. 

They are tailored to you and your dog's needs, there are far fewer distractions meaning you and your dog can get the most out of the session. We can be flexible on location, a session could be in your home, the park, a dog-friendly café or over Zoom depending on what we are working on and what works for you and your dog. And my puppy programme can start as soon as your puppy arrives home!