If a dog is aggressive or reactive, muzzle training may be the safest and most effective way to avoid a potential bites
If a dog is aggressive or reactive, muzzle training may be the safest and most effective way to avoid a potential bite as you work through their training. Muzzles are effective because they prevent dogs from biting, but when properly fitted, they allow the dog to pant, eat, and drink normally. Although muzzles are very effective, there is something to keep in mind - muzzles do not improve dog aggression. If not used properly, muzzles may also make a dog more aggressive. Read on to learn more about muzzle training for dogs and how it can be an effective tool if used correctly!
Why Muzzle Training for Dogs Controversial
First, let's address why muzzle training for dogs is often regarded as "controversial." Muzzles, in general, are often associated with aggressive or reactive dogs, which immediately creates a negative stigma around them. However, many non-aggressive dogs may be in a situation at least once in their life where a muzzle is needed for the safety of the dog, the owner, or a third party, like a veterinarian.
Although muzzles are incredibly effective training tools, a dog may react negatively if you rush the process. Certain situations do not allow for a gradual introduction of a muzzle. For example, the bite risk increases significantly if your dog is seriously injured. In addition, when they are in pain, they may react aggressively when you or a professional attempt to treat their injury.
In an ideal situation, your dog would slowly be introduced to a muzzle over time. This way, they know the muzzle itself is not a threat or punishment, and in a time of need, like treating an injury, they'll likely react better to it being placed on their snout. However, because muzzles are associated with aggressive dogs and an adverse reaction from a dog who never has worn one before, muzzle training for dogs is often wrongly viewed as controversial.
What Types of Muzzles are Used to Train Dogs
Muzzles come in two basic styles - mesh muzzles and basket muzzles. Generally basket muzzles are always a better option if available. Regardless, your dog needs to be comfortable wearing it. This is best achieved when you introduce the muzzle with positive reinforcement.
Mesh muzzles may be seen at veterinary clinics because of their ease of use. This type of muzzle is typically made of solid or mesh fabric and is designed to slip over a dog's snout to secure it quickly. Although they are easy to put on, they should only ever be used for a very short period of time. In addition, the proper fitment of a mesh muzzle is very snug, which makes it impossible for a dog to pant or drink to cool off.
Basket muzzles are typically made from hard or soft plastic and are rigid. This allows the muzzle to be placed over a dog's snout without as much restriction. This means a dog can pant, eat, and drink while a basket muzzle is on.
Muzzle Training for Dogs: Like a Seatbelt
We compare muzzle training for dogs to seatbelts. You don't set off in your car planning to get into an accident, but you still wear your seatbelt just in case. The same is true for a muzzle - plan for the unexpected to remain safe!
Get Professional Help Now
Remember, any type of aggression training is best left to professionals.
Training your aggressive or reactive dog can be much safer with the proper introduction to a muzzle. Matty will work with you and your dog to develop a custom-tailored plan to help your dog overcome their aggressive tendencies.
Get in touch with Matty now!
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This blog is provided for general information purposes only and does not constitute behavioural advice and is not a substitute for professional behavioural and training advice. Always seek advice for you and your dog from a qualified behaviourist or trainer if your dog has behaviour problems or requires training.