Aggressive Dog Barking: What Your Dog is Really Saying

Aggressive dog barking not only is disruptive to your life, but it also can be intimidating as well.

Aggressive dog barking not only is disruptive to your life, but it also can be intimidating as well. However, excessive and aggressive barking is not the same thing. It is important to recognize the difference and understand what the cause or triggers may be. Remember, if you believe your dog is acting in an aggressive nature, the best thing to do is get professional help. Read on to learn more about aggressive dog barking!

Aggressive Dog Barking is Not Normal

If you plan to bring a dog into your family, it almost goes without saying that you'll experience some barking from time to time. Just like people, all dogs are unique and some may be more vocal than others. However, aggressive dog barking is not normal. Aggressive barking may manifest differently in each dog, but here are some common scenarios that may trigger the response:

  • Fear or Alarm. It is common for dogs to bark if they are surprised, but what is a small scare for one dog may be a trigger for aggression in another. This type of aggressive dog barking could occur anywhere, not just in a familiar place or what they consider to be their territory.

  • Territorial/Guarding. Resource and territory guarding is a common cause of aggression in dogs. This aggression may manifest in loud and excessive barking. The intensity may increase as the dog feel the place or resource is more threatened.

  • Pain or Sickness. Dogs are very good at masking underlying pain or discomfort. Aggressive barking may be caused by an underlying factor, which is why it is always important to consult with your vet.

Aggressive barking is not something that can be ignored. Working with a professional is the best course of action.

Get Professional Help Now

At Beyond Reactivity, I am committed to helping your dog overcome their aggressive tendencies, including excessive barking. Contact me to learn how I can help.

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This blog is provided for general information purposes only and does not constitute behavioural advice and is not a substitute for professional behavioural and training advice. Always seek advice for you and your dog from a qualified behaviourist or trainer if your dog has behaviour problems or requires training.